PHP vs Python

September 25, 2021

PHP vs Python: Which One Suits You Best?

When it comes to web development, PHP and Python are two popular programming languages that dominate the industry. Both programming languages have their own strengths and weaknesses which make them suitable for different tasks. Therefore, the question of whether to choose PHP or Python for your next project depends on your specific requirements.

In this blog post, we will provide a fact-based comparison of PHP and Python programming languages to help you make an informed decision.


Popularity is one of the most crucial factors to consider when choosing a programming language. PHP is a well-established language, and it is still one of the most commonly used languages for web development. According to W3Techs, PHP is used by 78.9% of all websites with a known server-side programming language. Python is also popular, but it is not as established as PHP. According to the same study, Python is used by 6.1% of websites.

Learning Curve

When it comes to learning curve, Python is considered to be more beginner-friendly than PHP. Python syntax is easy to read and understand, which makes it a popular choice for beginners. On the other hand, PHP has a more complex and inconsistent syntax than Python, making it a little harder for beginners to get started with it.


When it comes to performance, PHP wins the race. PHP is built specifically for web development and comes with several features optimized for web development. PHP code execution is also faster than Python.

Libraries and Frameworks

Both PHP and Python have an abundant amount of libraries and frameworks to choose from. PHP has several popular frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter, among others. Python also has several frameworks, including Django, Flask, and Pyramid, among others.


PHP is known for its ability to scale effortlessly, and it is the preferred language for building large-scale web applications. Python, on the other hand, can also scale efficiently but requires more formatting and planning upfront.


In conclusion, both PHP and Python have their own strengths and weaknesses. Choosing between the two comes down to your specific requirements. However, if you're looking for a beginner-friendly language with a shallow learning curve and an easy-to-read syntax, Python is the way to go. If you're looking for better performance, scalability, and established technology, PHP is still the king of the hill.


  1. "Usage of Server-Side Programming Languages for Websites" - W3Techs. 2021
  2. "10 Reasons Why You Should Learn Python" -
  3. "Why Choose PHP?" - SitePoint.

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